Assertiveness can improve your interpersonal skills and relationships with others by helping you handle people and situations effectively and calmly; and by developing personal confidence to take more initiatives and influence the environment around you positively.
This one day participative professional development training programme will help you to understand the effect of your behaviour on others, appreciate why people behave the way they do, how you can best deal with their behaviour and will help you to think, feel and behave in a more assertive manner.
Assertiveness Skills Workshop Content -
- Self-analysis – How assertive are you? Do you behave differently with different people?
- Assertiveness - Why bother? Identifying the benefits; what is ‘assertiveness’ anyway?
- Self-esteem and self-empowerment – What do you believe about yourself? How does self-confidence affect the way we behave and the way we deal with other people?
- Identifying different types of behaviour –assertive, non-assertive & aggressive
- Understanding the effects of different behaviour on others - typical responses
- Conversational techniques for dealing with different people confidently; giving your opinion; saying no assertively.
- Verbal and visual traits – How to sound and speak more calmly and assertively
- Assertive body language – Looking and behaving confidently and in control
- Self-analysis feedback – How do you behave at work? How do people view you currently?
- Identifying key individuals at work – how well do you communicate with these people? Highlighting gaps in communication and proposing solutions.
- Action planning – the next steps – What will you do differently tomorrow as a result of today?